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I noticed on the shows page you have added "disputed" and "cancelled" next to appropriate dates. Some of those shows such as the 77 gigs were actually rescheduled. Wouldn't it be appropriate to switch "cancelled" to "rescheduled" for those dates? http://www.ledzeppelin-database.com/geekbaseweb/Datelistpage.aspx?sort=0
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That's not a bad idea. What I did for those shows is I added a reason for cancelation on their setpages that explains why it was canceled or if it was rescheduled, but I think that I like your suggestion better.
It will take a bit of fudging with the data though since I have a flag in the database called 'wascanceled' and I set it to 'True' or 'False'.
I would need to change that filed to a number and make '0' = confirmed, '1' = canceled, and '2' = rescheduled.
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I figured out how to handle this in a good way. I haven't added it to the site yet even on my development machine at home, but I know how I am going to do it and will be working on it in the coming days.
It requires changing a number of things in the code so it won't be reflected in the public site until the next code release which is maybe a month away or so.
Currently dates are classified as being Confirmed, Canceled, or Disputed, but I am going to add two new classifications of Rescheduled and Discredited.
1 - Confirmed means that we have reason to believe that the show actually took place. In order to be confirmed we would need either a recording or ad's, reviews, ticket stubs, etc...
2 - Canceled means that a show was scheduled at one point, but never actually happened.
3 - Disputed means that a given date is reasonably likely to have occurred, but we have no evidence to confirm it.
4 - Rescheduled would basically be a canceled show that was made up at a later date. This would clear up the weirdness of the Rescheduled 77 tourdates and differentiate the dates that were eventually played from the ones that were canceled completely.
5 - Discredited dates would be ones that are basically disputed dates that we have become convinced that they actually did not happen. Adding in discredited dates would mean that I could then add all of the July 72 shows that were disputed for a while and later proven to be false.
The main difference between a Canceled date and a Discredited date would be the strength of the evidence of the show being scheduled in the first place. If we have some firm evidence that a show was scheduled, but are convinced that it never happened, then it will be considered to be Canceled.
I want the site to contain as many dates as possible because reading about them is always interesting, but I want to show which dates were actually played, which dates we are unsure about, and which dates we feel were definitely not played.
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Might be a hassle or deemed unnecessary by you, but as I'm looking at the Rescheduled Dates page I can't help but wonder which date the show was rescheduled to. Yeah, I know I can go to the Confirmed Dates, but...
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Crungy wrote:Might be a hassle or deemed unnecessary by you, but as I'm looking at the Rescheduled Dates page I can't help but wonder which date the show was rescheduled to. Yeah, I know I can go to the Confirmed Dates, but... You can find that information at the top of the setpage for the rescheduled date, although as I look at them I see that a few of them don't have the information populated correctly(I'll fix that in the next data build), but most of them do. Example: http://www.ledzeppelin-database.com/geekbaseweb/Setpage.aspx?Showid=576
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Your Overlord wrote:Crungy wrote:Might be a hassle or deemed unnecessary by you, but as I'm looking at the Rescheduled Dates page I can't help but wonder which date the show was rescheduled to. Yeah, I know I can go to the Confirmed Dates, but... You can find that information at the top of the setpage for the rescheduled date, although as I look at them I see that a few of them don't have the information populated correctly(I'll fix that in the next data build), but most of them do. Example: http://www.ledzeppelin-database.com/geekbaseweb/Setpage.aspx?Showid=576 I didn't see the setpage for the rescheduled. That works perfectly. I was referring to the rescheduled datelist page here. http://www.ledzeppelin-database.com/geekbaseweb/Datelistpage.aspx?datestatus=4&sort=0
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Ultimately, the datelist page just doesn't have the space to include everything. I need to reserve the last column for performance ratings which will be coming eventually. All of the different options on the datelist page are really just filters of the same information. The actual content of the various columns are the same regardless of how the list is filtered. The only thing that I could possibly do would be to change the word 'rescheduled' to something that uses the same number of pixels like 'ppd to Apr 18th'. I could possibly lose the 'Tour' column since it pretty much duplicates the tourmappage(although not really since the tourmappage only includes confirmed dates) and gain some more space that way, but I'm not sure if I am willing to do that just to gain enough space for the rescheduled date. I might be willing to lose that column eventually for other reasons though. Building a data intensive site like this one has forced me to hedge things all over the place. I usually solve problems like this one on other ways, but I don't do very much advertising of what information can be found where. I live and breathe the site so much that I always know how to do things and where to find things and forget that not everyone lives inside my head. I've had a number of cases where people have made comments asking for functionality that already exists elsewhere. I'll think about it.
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I am finally moving forward with a solution to this issue that I probably should have done a long time ago.
Currently, I have a column for the 'length' of a show on the datelist page, but that column is only relevant for shows that have circulating sources. Most of the confirmed shows don't have circulating sources let alone all of the dates with other date statuses like 'canceled', 'disputed' etc... If you sort the entire datelist by 'length' you will get all of the recorded shows at the top in descending order of their length and then all of the rest of the dates are just hanging off the bottom of the list. That has always been annoying to me.
I also have been saving enough space in the final column for the eventual performance ratings that will be coming. That field is again going to only be relevant to the recorded shows so any distaste with the length column will be doubly distasteful. Having two full columns reserved for information that is only relevant to less than half of the dates doesn't make sense.
So I am going to split the Datelist page into two separate pages. One page will be for the dates, and the other page will be for the recorded shows. By doing this I will be able to add more information to both pages and the result will be less confusing, and more efficient.
The Datelist page will lose the 'length' column and will be able to use the space reserved for the last column. This will enable me to spread out the space in between the 'date' and the 'venue' column and add in the information that you requested, namely the date that a rescheduled date was rescheduled to. I can also make that whole area flow better, by making the various date statuses more even and consistently presented. I will add some sort of visual representation for which shows were recorded on this page, but the actual sorting of performances based on length or performance rating will be reserved for the other page.
The second page will be for the recorded dates. On this page I obviously don't need to use up space for the date statuses because all recorded dates were obviously not canceled, disputed or anything else. The length and ratings columns will be relevant to every date in the list, and I'll even add in another column that will list the number of circulating sources for each show, which will enable people to sort by that field. The number in that field will be a link to the sourcelist page that will be filtered for that particular show. Currently, if you click on the 'sources' link on the setpage it will already do this, but this will provide another way to do it.
I started work on this last night, and I'll post screen shots of the new page layouts when they are done from my development machine since the next code release is still a ways off. Unless I get sidetracked, I should have the pages done in he next couple of days.
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Here is a partial screen shot of how the date statuses will be handled on the datelist page in the next build. The yellow icons are to mark recorded shows.
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